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Sally’s Seven Spectacular Years at AE

Updated: Aug 14

Written by Sally Stevens & Team AE

So, I’m told it’s my seven-year work anniversary today! There’s certainly proof that time flies when you’re having fun! 

Sally Headshot

It seems like only yesterday when I took the best decision I ever made – to move back into the private sector (not that I didn’t love working at The LLEP, to be absolutely clear!).

I’m proud to be one of the longest-serving members of AE (in its current guise). And I know there are times when I am sure Alister wouldn’t have even imagined I’d still be here (the man surely has the patience of a saint!!!). 

In the last seven years, we’ve been through a lot together. From the days of little old Associate Events (as we were known back then) I’ve seen AE evolve and grow - and some fabulous (and very interesting) people come and go. I’ve been involved in some amazing projects and events that have taken me pretty much all over the UK – and abroad too. 

I was asked to pinpoint some of my most unforgettable moments, and, amongst many, I just about managed to narrow it down to the following:

  • Making it all the way back from the Black Country crushed under several Macs and a box of uplighters

  • Surviving MIPIM (again) including wild dogs, Jack Jack impressions and St Paddy’s Day in Cannes led by an Irish colleague

  • Enduring the mere 9-hour journey at 40mph all the way to Glasgow for COP26 in the back of the Discovery.

  • Mistakenly eating (and thoroughly enjoying!) the boss’s extremely expensive sirloin steak at a Christmas do (still maintain it was not my fault) 

  • Being Patrick Kielty’s ‘gopher’ at Hampton Court Palace (not what you might think!) 

It would be remiss of me to not mention that we survived the unprecedented times of the pandemic. Through a bit of luck, and a lot of hard work, the business actually diversified in a way that we couldn’t have even envisaged at the time - weirdly, growing in a direction for which I am now responsible for looking after (with the most excellent team in the world I hasten to add!). I do have to stop and pay homage to Alister again at this point (defo the last time in this blog or we might not be able to get his head out the door!). If the man wasn’t so dogged and determined to make absolutely sure the business survived the pandemic – then who knows where we would have ended up. Strange times they were. 

Fast forward a few more years, a few more events, a few more contracts, and here we are - on an even greater growth trajectory with bigger ambitions, underpinned by a strong and strategic business growth plan.

I am slightly more wrinkled and grey-haired than I was seven years ago (I can’t put that all down to work – my kids must take some of the responsibility). But I can honestly say it’s been hard work – but also a blast (most of the time) and I’d like to be here for as long as everyone will put up with me (or at least until I’ve paid my car off!). Bring on the next iteration of AE!

Alister, MD of AE commented:

'In seven years Sally's contribution to AE has been outstanding. She has grown our communications team by 70%, and her calm, strategic, and efficient approach brings both fun and authenticity to our daily work lives.
Having Sally on the leadership team ensures we continue to grow in the right direction. I am grateful for her support, guidance, and leadership, and I truly appreciate how she challenges us all to be the best we can be.'

Here’s to the next seven years and beyond, thank you Sally for all the little and large things you do!



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